Friday, April 5, 2013

Back to work!

After being unemployed for 4 months I must admit I was not excited to go back to work.

However, my new job is much better than my last. I will be spending the month of April at Capilano Lake and the Cleveland dam. Not a bad view from out here. Plenty of dogs to keep me company.

For those of you that don't know, I am a Production Assistant in the Vancouver film industry. Currently working on a feature film (undisclosed for now...) involving lots of CG and VFX work.

This is my first full time position on a feature film so I am very excited to be a part of it. It's nice to know the entire job will be completed in a matter of weeks, whereas in television I would be stuck on the same show for months on end.
Although I'm not looking forward to finding another new job in may... The industry is suffering in Vancouver at the moment. (Please refer to our horrible life sucking government officials Christy Clark and Stephen Harper for more details. More than 40,000 jobs lost in the past few months thanks to those idiots.)

ANYWAYS. I am looking forward to the experiences I will have on this film, and once the information is officially released, I may be able to show you a little behind the scenes. Until then, enjoy my little rants and some nature photos.


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Blogger Reborn?

Welcome, Welcome, WELCOME! (They get it.)
Here is a relatively old photo of me. A welcoming photo,  just for you.

It's been an extremely long time since I've felt the urge to blog. However after a recent visit with one of my best friends, I've been encouraged to start again! Perhaps this will be something you will read often, perhaps I will eventually abandon it and go back to being a worthless troller of tumblr. Either way, I hope you enjoy my art. You're going to be seeing a lot of it. =)